Pam Prowse 1932 002

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Post-War 1945-1955
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Post-war austerity meant that products were rather more modest. But Pamphonic learned to use high-quality external finishes (veneers) to distinguish their offerings. The link with Pye was far more evident, especially with Pamphonic offerings using radio and TV internals from Pye. Pamphonic continued to design and produce Hi-Fi entirely themselves, with fine amplifiers and preamplifiers to compete with the emerging Leak and Quad offerings. One suspects that Public Address equipment still provided the majority of the income.

Known Models:

    “Pam” 601/A and 601/B PA amplifier and associated equipment - 1946

    Other 600-series Public Address Equipment

    700-Series (rackmount) Unit Construction Public Address Equipment

    606 Radiogram (Pamphonic Amplifier, Pye Tuner, Garrard Deck) - 1946

    607 Table-top Radio (based on Pye 15A radio)- 1947

    609 Radiogram - 1951 (later version also made with B8A valves)

    1002 Amplifier and 1002A Preamplifier - 1954

    Victor Loudspeaker - 1954


1955 On ...

Radio catalog: more than 163 000 radios with   275 000 pictures and 260 000 schematics  plus radio forum.